The Press of G. Chetin (Bantamweight)
USSR and World Record Holder
USSR Champion
R.A. Roman, M.S. Shakirzyanov
Moscow, FiS, 16 – 17:1970
Translated by Andrew Charniga, Jr.©
In the starting position the athlete places his feet such that the bar is slightly in front of the metatarsal phalangeal joints; the toes are turned to the side. The shins are touching the bar. The vertical projection of the body’s center of gravity is at the middle of the feet. The back is straight. The trunk is leaning to an angle of 45°. The pelvis is positioned significantly higher than the knees. The arms are straight. The shoulders are pulled back and are positioned slightly behind the bar. The head is in a natural position; the line of sight is directed forward and down (figure 1, position 1).
The athlete executes the pull very sharply. The athlete straightens the trunk and the legs fully and raises high onto the toes (figure 2, position 2).
The athlete lifts the barbell to his chest with a power clean and without moving his feet (figure 3, position 3). After the athlete has straightened up from the half squat, he shifts his right foot slightly to the side and positions his feet shoulder width apart. The toes are turned slightly to the side (figure 4, position 4).
The lift to the chest for the press is carried out precisely, economically, and high.
The half squat for the clean was very shallow, such that the barbell was lowered into the half squat by only 10 cm; the knee angles are almost straight (position 3); this, in turn, results in advantageous conditions for the subsequent recovery from the half squat. Essentially, the athlete has only to perform a slight straightening of the legs.
In the starting position for the press, the pelvis is shifted 6 cm forward; the trunk is leaning insignificantly (inclined at an angle of approximately 15°). The vertical projection of the hip joints is that the toes. The waist is taut; the elbows are shifted forward in front of the vertical line of the bar. The barbell is lower by some 6 cm than it would be found in the normal stance (figure 5, position 5).
Like all athletes G. Chetin separates the barbell from his chest by means of a quick, short, shifting of the pelvis backward while straightening the trunk and with a subsequent energetic inclusion of the arms into the work (figures 6-7, positions 6-7). The subsequent pressing occurs with the pressure of the arms against the bar in combination with the leaning of the trunk and the shifting of the pelvis forward (figures 8 to 10, positions 8 to 10). The sportsman shifts the trunk and head forward and the pelvis backward when the arms are almost fully straight (figures 11- 12).
The athlete lifts the barbell to a height of 44 cm.
Chetin’s press involves a large degree of strength (barbell speed at the instant of separation from the chest is only 1.04 m/sec). The inclination of the trunk during the press is optimum. However, in separating the barbell from the chest, the sportsman forcefully extends the forearms; as a result, the barbell does not move strictly vertical but slightly forward (by 3 cm). This is a mistake which makes the lifting of the barbell more difficult.
Chetin B |
Chetin Diagram |